Claim Uniform Tax Rebate Today!

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How Long Does a Uniform Tax Rebate Take?

Author: Samuel Beckingham
Updated: Mar 20, 2023
8 minutes read
  • Process time for the tax rebate for your uniform
  • How you can claim a uniform tax rebate
  • Do you need to reapply for a uniform tax rebate?

Cleaning, repairing and maintaining your uniform for work entitles you to money back. You can receive a tax rebate for uniform for doing all of this, and it can be for the whole year. Your tax code is typically updated to reflect these changes, but this is only after the claim has been settled. If you’re wondering how long the process takes, this is the article for you.

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How to Claim a Uniform Tax Rebate

If you qualify for this tax relief, you won’t automatically receive it. You need to apply for it so HMRC knows to update your tax code so you can start seeing savings. The best thing is that you don’t need to keep any records of the costs involved with cleaning, upkeep or maintenance. You can claim the tax rebate for your uniform against a flat rate, which gives you a set amount for the whole year.

Time Frame to Claim a Tax Rebate for Your Uniform

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Although there’s no cut off point for making a claim, you are only able to backdate it for four years. If you qualify to receive the tax rebate for uniform upkeep, claiming before the new financial tax year can be a great way to make sure you aren’t missing out on a payment that would otherwise disappear. Once the new tax year rolls around, an extra amount that could have been received in a lump sum will no longer be available.

The best way to make sure you get the most out of your tax rebate for uniform washing is to not delay. The longer you leave it before April, the less chance you have of getting your full backdated amount. This could be the difference between receiving the full flat rate amount or only part of it.

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How Long Does the Process Take?


Delaying your tax rebate for your uniform upkeep can cost you. In total, claims are processed by HMRC in around 8-12 weeks. Once they have processed your claim, it only takes them a couple of days to adjust your tax code. If you’ve left it too close to the new financial tax year, you could be missing out on a backdated year.

For Your Employer

Even though it only takes a couple of days for your tax code to be updated, it could take you even longer to start noticing the tax relief. The uniform tax rebate applied to your tax code will be sent to your employer, who then sets it on the payroll system. This depends on when their cut-off point is. If they receive your code closer to the day you usually get paid, you’ll most likely have to wait another month to start seeing the tax rebate for your uniform.

For You

You have a few options for making a claim, and this depends on how much time you have on your hands. If you’re working out your own expenses for uniform upkeep, this will be even more effort and note making. The first option is to fill in a P87 form to send to HMRC yourself. This is also your only option if you’re working out your own tax rebate for uniform upkeep. This will simply take as long as it takes to fill in the form. If you’re making additional requests for other rebates, it can take even longer.

Tax Return for Tax Rebate for Uniform Icon

The second option is to claim your uniform tax rebate through a claims management company, so they can do the work for you. It only takes a few minutes to fill in the form and a dedicated legal team will handle the claims process on your behalf. There will be no more work needed on your part as HMRC will liaise with this company. All you have to do is wait for your tax rebate for your uniform maintenance to come through. You can then get on with your busy life without having to worry about whether you made any mistakes, which can delay your application even further.

Tax Rebate for Uniform Amounts

If you’re working out your own costs for your uniform tax rebate, the evidence needs to be sent to HMRC. This needs to be less than £2,500 and can only be for work related expenses. If, however, you’re claiming a flat rate, this depends on your occupation and whether your uniform has been itemised by HMRC. You can see various flat rates for a tax rebate for a uniform in the interactive graph below, depending on the occupation.

Why Are There Different Amounts?

The standard flat rate tax rebate for uniforms is £60, which is for the whole of the tax year. Other, higher flat rates are available for specialised occupations, which may require specific clothing to be worn. Protective clothing is also considered a uniform if it’s required for your job role, so this can also be claimed on.

How you can go green with your laundry while washing your uniform.

What If My Employer Pays My Expenses?

Kitchen Chef Vector Showing Tax Rebate for Uniform

If your employer puts money towards maintaining your uniform, you will need to subtract this amount from the flat rate figure. This will give you the rate that you can actually claim on. The tax rebate for your uniform can be a different amount to what’s shown, so it’s important to make sure you’re only claiming what you’re entitled to.

Sometimes employers can provide the means to wash your uniform. This could be by having washing facilities in the workplace, such as a washer dryer in the communal area. If this is the case, you won’t be able to claim a tax rebate for uniform upkeep, even if you don’t use these facilities.

Do You Need to Reapply for a Tax Rebate for Your Uniform?

If you’re claiming on a flat rate, your tax code will be updated for future years automatically, so you don’t need to make another claim. You will receive the tax rebate for uniform maintenance without any more effort on your part, as you don’t need to supply any evidence.

However, if you are providing evidence for your uniform tax rebate expenses, this needs to be done every year. Claims above £2,500 will need to be applied for online, and claims less than £1,000 can be claimed by phone. If this sounds like a lot of hassle for a tax rebate for your uniform, you might be better off having a claims management company work on your behalf.

Other resources for the uniform tax rebate.

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